shows both Discovery & Range Rover models, comes with separate price sheet in German
# portfolio number LR/124/97 (English), including brochure 1: 12 pages, LR/72/97 brochure 2: 6 pages, LR/123/97 brochure 3: 8 pages, LR/74/97 brochure 4: 12 pages, LR/73/97.
shows the full 50 year history of this 4x4 brand, combined with the Range Rover, Discovery and Freelander models of the late 1990s, very nicely done
# LLR FREC-01-00
# LR/435/01 (dutch)
# 2000.0204.015, brochure comes with separate techn. specs. folder in German, dated 2002
brochure comes with separate techn. specs. & prices folder in Dutch, dated 1/1/2003
# LRNL 0202, 2002, special Convertible version
# unnumbered, 7/2002, special Dutch Van version with lower taxation
undated, unnumbered, size A5
Australian item
rare item from Australia showing all models, square size
unnumbered, AUTO Rai 2003 issue with all models shown, square size
# unnumbered, 1/2003, special Dutch Van version with lower taxation
shows Range Rover HSE, Freelander S & SE3 and Discovery S, # LRNA 2003/002
# LRML 1709 - 2002, comes with separate specs. folder (16 pages, # 1710) and Dutch price list (12 pages, 1/1/2003)